Thursday, September 28, 2006

thats a sheep brain. i found this pic that is colored.

and a superior view;

the test is coming up. im pretty nervous. i didnt do to well on the last one.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


we started cutting up the cats.

this pic is kind of bad. they didnt do a very good job. but you kind of get the idea.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

we had to identify facial and neck muscles.

heres a pic

i found another pic that isnt very good, but i think the art is funny:

anyways we had to find muscles like the

orbicularis oculi
Lavator Labii Superioris

and a few others.

we also had to look at the neck muscles.

the book has a ton of really good photos.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


ive been outlining the chapters for my own use.

the major functions of bone are:

1. Support
2. storage of minerals
3. blood cell production
4. protection
5. leverage

collagen fibers within the bone give strength and flexability.

osteocytes are mature bone cells. they maintain & monitor protein and mineral content in the matrix.

lacunae are sandwiched between layers of calcified matrix
lamellae are the matrix layers
canaliculi are channels through the matrix

osteoblasts produce new bone, when surrounded by matrix they become osteocytes.

there are 2 types of bone.

spongy bone and compact bone

compact bone is dense and solid.

spongy bone is a network of struts and plates.

here is the front part of the skull.

there are many minute parts to the skull. all of the foramen and fossa are going to be difficult to memorize. not to mention the many separate bones.

Friday, September 8, 2006

here is the inside of a skull, which we will be learning in the next week or two.

we also skinned a cat. it's hard to get in the mindset of having to dissect this cat. i'm a vegetarian. i'm kins of conflicted about the whole idea, but i know that i have to do i. and i think this will be the best way to learn. hands on always teaches me the most.